“You Found Your Mate”: Wife Tells Husband She Dreamt of Becoming Musa Mseleku’s 6th Wife, SA Amused

“You Found Your Mate”: Wife Tells Husband She Dreamt of Becoming Musa Mseleku’s 6th Wife, SA Amused. A hilarious content creator told her husband that she dreamt of being welcomed as Musa Mseleku’s sixth wife by his first wife, Macele, sparking laughter on social media In the dream, Ikhona, the content creator, shared that she was covered by a blanket and when it was opened she realised she was at the man’s compound
Social media users were rolling with laughter, wishing to one day meet the funny woman face-to-face and wishing the couple many happy years in their new marriage.
It’s not uncommon for our dreams to be influenced by the things we consume during the day, whether it’s a thrilling TV show, a book, in this case, watching a reality TV show that often leaves many in debate after watching it. A study by the ‘National Library of Medicine’ proved that it was highly likely to dream about the things we see on TV, whether good or bad.
While sitting on the floor as her husband takes off an old hairstyle, the funny wife recounts a dream where she is welcomed into Musa Mseleku’s home as his wife number six. TikTok user @keepmovingdadewethu shares that in the dream, she is covered in a blanket, only to be revealed as being in the polygamist’s home.
Macele tells her she would be a perfect fit for the home due to her strong personality. Her husband, looking shocked, asks how she could dream of another man while sleeping beside him, Ikhona, in her typical playful fashion, hilariously blames him, asking why he did not protect her in the dream as he promised during their wedding vows exchange.
@keepmovingdadewethuLike why engavukanga andibbe lobhuti
Mzansi loves the funny content creator
The hilarious exchange had social media users rolling on the floor with laughter. Many commented on how much they enjoyed watching the couple’s dynamic, with some even wishing them a lifetime of laughter in their marriage. Others praised the couple’s hard-to-ignore chemistry, saying it must be incredible to live with someone as funny as her.
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