
Risk Of Smoking Any Hubbly Bubbly

Risk Of Smoking Any Hubbly Bubbly, Smoking hubbly bubbly is becoming increasingly popular.

Hubbly bubbly has many different names. It is also called water pipes, hookahs, narghiles, shisha, and goza.

It is often smoked in groups and at clubs or social gatherings.

Although it is becoming increasingly popular, especially amongst young people, it is not without side-effects.

Here are the side-effects of smoking it.

  1. Health risks: Smoking hookah exposes you to harmful substances like tobacco, tar, and carbon monoxide, which can lead to various health issues, including lung diseases, heart problems, and cancer.
  2. Secondhand smoke: People around you can also be affected by secondhand smoke, increasing their risk of health problems.

3. Infectious diseases: Sharing the same hookah mouthpiece can increase the risk of transmitting infectious diseases like tuberculosis, hepatitis, and respiratory infections.

5. Chemicals and toxins: Hookah smoke contains harmful chemicals and toxins, which can have adverse effects on your overall health.

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6. Misconception of safety: Some people mistakenly believe hookah is safer than cigarettes, but it can be equally or even more harmful due to prolonged smoking sessions.

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